If you wanna wait till 2 because I have class at 1 and I don’t get out till 1:50. 😬😬😬 Also are you in the church friends ‘24 gc on regular text message? If not, then we can add you cuz that’s where we ask if anyone is at the bowl, or if they wanna get food, etc. Just give one of us your number and we’ll add you :)
Welcome to the group! This is where we will post general eve...
If you wanna wait till 2 because I have class at 1 and I don’t get out till 1:50. 😬😬😬 Also are you in the church friends ‘24 gc on regular text message? If not, then we can add you cuz that’s where we ask if anyone is at the bowl, or if they wanna get food, etc. Just give one of us your number and we’ll add you :)